The Environmental and Social Analysis is to be carried out based on the inputs of and coordination with the GEA, and on information available in academic literature and on field visits and campaigns carried out. The focus of the ESAR is to identify and assess potential impacts envisaged from the construction and operation of the PV power plant and, for those adverse impacts which cannot be avoided, to identify appropriate mitigation actions.

Specifically, the ESAR seeks to:

  • Determine the project Area of Influence (AoI), including areas of direct and indirect influence.
  • Present a description of the project including its location, scale, components, phases, benefits, etc.
  • Assess the policy, regulatory and institutional framework for the project, including identifying the relevant national and international policies, legislation, standards and guidelines that define the implementation framework of the project, as well as the responsible institutions.
  • Assemble relevant physical and biological baseline information on the project area including its geology, soils, hydrology, topography, climate, water quality, air quality, noise levels and terrestrial and aquatic flora and fauna (including an indication of possible endangered, rare or threatened species and species of commercial importance).
  • Assemble relevant socioeconomic baseline information on the project area including communities, population, land use, economic activities, historical and archaeological sites, etc. 
  • Identify and engage with key project stakeholders, and present and address their feedback and concerns, including the communities closest to the site and the project beneficiary communities.
  • Identify and assess the potential impacts of the project on the physical, biological and socioeconomic environment, distinguishing construction and post construction phase impacts, as well as cumulative impacts.
  • Prepare an Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) that identifies measures to prevent or reduce adverse impacts to acceptable levels for both the construction and operation phases of the project.
  • Prepare an Implementation Framework for the ESMP, including outlining roles and responsibilities, Contractor plans, monitoring and reporting requirements, stakeholders’ engagement, grievances mechanism, training, etc.


Mahdia Solar PV Power Plant ESAR – Final Version V.5 [Dated-10-Feb-2022] (0 downloads ) Appendix G-Consultation Reports-Formal Arrangements.V2 [Dated-10-Feb-2022] (117 downloads )