Sale by Sealed Bids

The Guyana Energy Agency invites the public to submit ‘Sealed Bids’ for three (3) unserviceable vehicles.

Interested persons can inspect the vehicles, view the list and uplift the bidding documents between 8:00hrs to 15:00hrs, Mondays through Fridays at the Cashier of the Guyana Energy Agency, 295 Quamina Street, South Cummingsburg, Georgetown on or before Tuesday, July 30, 2024. Tel #: 225-8569 ext. 226 or request an email copy via

Bids must be in a sealed envelope marked “Bid for unserviceable vehicles”, addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, Guyana Energy Agency and deposited in accordance with the Instruction to Bidders.Bids must bear the address and relevant contact information of the bidder within the submitted envelope.

Any Bids received after the date and time of submission will be rejected and returned to the bidder.

The Guyana Energy Agency reserves the right to not accept any bid without assigning a reason, reserves the right to accept or reject any bid, annul the process before the award of the bid without incurring any liability or providing a reason for the acceptance, rejection or annulment.

By Order of Dr Mahender Sharma Chief Executive Officer